We now offer regular orders! You choose the products you wish to receive regularly, with either a pick-up or delivery option.
Delivery is available in the Bathurst metro area only, Monday to Friday. Weekly or Monthly, your order will be hand packed and then delivered to your door. You will be charged automatically, and you can cancel any time. Simply sign in to My Account, where you have full control of your order. To set up your delivery, open the product and choose “subscribe”. You will then be taken to the subscription check-out. Do this for each product you would like to “subscribe” to.
Want to subscribe to multiple products? You only have to pay one delivery fee. Choose the delivery day for the first subscription item, and for each additional item choose ‘pickup’. We’ll make sure all your products are delivered at the same time. If you have any questions, give us a call on (02) 63321545.
Want to pick up your order? Choose “pickup” for the delivery option at checkout, and we will call you when your order is ready in store.
Want to pause your order when you go on holidays? Give us a call on (02) 6332 1545. We can organise that for you!
Don’t forget to claim your 10% members discount by using the code MEMBER at checkout. You can become a member now and claim your discount today - simply purchase a membership. We also do a quick check on your membership status before we fill your order, to make sure you are up to date.